Hüsranla huzur yaratılmaz..
29 Ekim Cumhuriyet Bayramı gününü takip eden hafta sonunda bu haince olay bir insan evladına yakışmaz, kanla arınırdık kurbanlarda; şimdi kanla pislenir olduk, vatan hainlerinin yeri yoktur, hiç bir zaman da olamayacak.
Türkiyeli olmaktan daha fazla gurur verici bir şey olamaz benim için.
Vatanım güzel günleri görmen dileğiyle, bu üzücü olayların tekrarı olmaması duarımıda yer etti.
Bu son olsun.
31 Ekim 2010
25 Ekim 2010
charlie's angels
özlediğim iki insan hayatımdaki en cafcaflı, mutlu, dopingli, ihtiraslı, çekişmeli yıllarını birlikte geçirdiğim 2 dostum, sizleri çok özledim, fotoğraflara baktım bu akşam, sanki yarın birlikte olcakmışız gibi geldi ama 3ümüzde farklı ülkelerdeyiz, sizleri çok seviyorum. hayal ettiğimiz şeyleri gerçekleştirmek dileğiyle..
( bu tatlıdan daha çok yemek ve yapmak dileğiyle)
( bu tatlıdan daha çok yemek ve yapmak dileğiyle)
22 Ekim 2010
1 kuruşun kaderi
Mini mini bakır renginde açmış bir çiçeği bulunan bu madeni para neredeyse hiç kullanılmıyor, mikro alandan tamam cebimizde misal çok yer kaplayabilir ya da delik cebimizden düşebilir. Ama süpermarketlerde o 4.99 ya 4.67 gibi fiyatlarda bizim o 1 kuruşu istemeye hakkımız var ki 10 tane olduğunda 1 sakız alabiliriz.
Ya da günahlarına girmeyeyim fakat aklıma gelmiyor değil, kasiyerlerin alışverişlerden sonra bu 1 kuruşları tümleyip aldıkları oluyyor mudur ki? Gelişmemeiş ülkeleri geçtim, gelişmiş ülkelerde paralar oldukça değerlidir, bilmem ne sent dendiğini çok görürüz tvlerde, bile, Türkiyem bence bu 1 kuruşun değerini bilmeli..
Büyükler için önemsiz olabilir çünkü onlar 100 tl 200 tl derdindeler, ama küçük çocuklar için bu paralar baya işe yarayabilir.Bir ebeveyn günde 10 kuruşu 1,1,1,1, 1 verirse hem ufak çaplı bir matematik oyunu oynanabilir, hafıza gelişimi için hem de çocuk para biriktirmeyi, paranın değerini anlar ve biriktirince de gider sakızını, şekerini alır.
Çok şaçma gelebilir ama bu gerçekten eğitici olur çocuklar için hem paramız değer kazanır, hem deödeme- para üstü yapılarak paranın hareketliliği oluşur.
Ya da gelelim, telefon operatörleri 1 kuruşu kullanır oldu ama 1 kuruşunda kaderi eksi 1 kuruş diye geçiyor :(
Peki, kullanılmıyorsa bu 1 kuruşlar neden hala piyasada? tedavülden kalkmıyor, ben kalksın istemem, paramız milli değerlerimizden biridir ama yani işlemediği zamanda bir anlamı yok, ceplerimizdeki deliklerde kalmaya mahkum oluyorlar..
Bell Hooks- Feminizm Herkes İçindir
Özgürlük, Eşitlik, Farklılık Açısından Bir Değerlendirme:
Bell Hooks mesleki kimliğinin yanı sıra, feminist bir kuramcı olduğunu açıkladığında insanların buna önyargıyla yaklaştığını, onu erkek düşmanı olarak nitelendirdiklerini anlatarak başlar. İnsanların, feminizm hakkında tüm bildikleri genelde kulaktan dolma, magazinsel içerikli kaynaklardandır. Bir kavram veya ideoloji yanlış, eksik ve önyargılı olarak bilinirse çok tehlikeli olur, bunun için onun temelini alıp en basit yolla anlatmak gerekir. Yazarda, feminizmi en temelinden alıp onun ne olup ne olmadığını, kimleri kapsadığını, kadının haklarını ve insanları bilinçlendirmenin nasıl olacağını, kendi yaşadıklarını bir kitap halinde insanlara sunması feminizmi anlatmaktaki en temel kararıdır. Yazarın istediği feminizm nedir diye sorulduğunda kitaptaki cevabın bir korkuya ya da fanteziye dayanmamasıdır, basit tanımlarla feminizmi somutlaştırmaktadır. Feminist kuramın amacının cinsiyetçi düşüncenin nasıl işlediğini ve onunla nasıl mücadele etmek gerektiğini kadınlara ve erkeklere anlatmaktır.
Kitap, yazarın amacı doğrultusundadır yani az ve öz anlatım ama bir o kadarda derin ve somut cümlelerle okuyucuyu kendine çekmektedir. Demek istediğim, kitapta birbirinden farklı ve gelişen bölümler, herkesin merakını azaltacak cinsten yorumlar, gerçek olaylar vardır. Kitabı herkese mal etmiştir, okumak için sadece kadınlar değil genç, yaşlı, erkekler de olmalıdır. Bell Hooks’un önemli görüşlerinden biri de şudur: eğer insanlar feminizmi, onun tarihsel gelişimini doğru olarak öğrenirlerse artık bu kavramdan korkmayacaklardır.
Öncelikle, feminizmin herkes için olduğunu vurgulamaktadır, feminizmin sadece ezilmiş siyahî kadınlara yönelik değil beyaz bir erkek içinde geçerli olduğunu savunmaktadır. Hatta kitabında şöyle bahseder: Herkes feminizm hakkında daha çok şey öğrenirse, artık feminizmden korkmayacaklar, çünkü feminizm erkekler için de, ataerkilliğin köleliğinden kurtuluş umudunu barındırıyor.[1] Bu cümle üzerine bile yazılar yazılabilir. Erkeklerin kalıplaşmış ataerkillik sınırları içinde günümüz koşullarında rahat hareket edemediklerini belirtir, ama bu kalıbı bozmamak için kendileriyle tezatlığa düştükleri çok olmuştur ve sadece kadınların değil eğer doğru olarak feminizmi incelerlerse insanların ataerkil kölelikten kurtulacakları bir gerçektir. Yazar, feminizm hakkında toplumca bilinçlenmenin gerektiğini bunu olabildiğince kolay yollarla da yapılabileceğini savunmaktadır. Örneğin, dergiler, televizyonlar, afişler feminizmle ilgili bilgilendirici tanıtımlar yapmalıdır.
İnsanlığın feminizmi öğrenebilmesi için cinsiyetçi düşünceden arınması gerekmektedir. Cinsiyetçiliğin aşılması kadını işe almakla bitmez. Eşit işe eşit ücret ve hane içinde ev işlerinin paylaşılması düşüncesinin benimsenmesi gerekmektedir. Yalnız tek problemin erkeklerde olmadığını, kendi içlerinde dayanışma olmayan kadınların da birbirlerine hükmetmemesi gerektiğini vurgular. Feminist mücadele de her zaman kadınların dayanışma içinde olabilmesi, ‘ kız kardeş’ olabilmesi için öncelikle cinsiyet, sınıf, ırk gibi ayrımcı düşüncelerden arınması gerekmektedir. Cinsiyetçi baskının sona ermesi kadınların dayanışması ve beraberinde haklarının bilincinde olması ile mümkündür. Feminizmin tanımı muğlâklaşırsa ve yanlış bilinenler düzeltilmezse bu kavram herkes için tehlikeli olarak görülecektir.
Ataerkil düşünceyi değiştirmek için öncelikle kadın kendi düşüncelerini değiştirmesi, ayrımcılıklarını yok etmesi gerekmektedir. Oluşturulan bilinç yükseltme gruplarında öncelikle var olan kızgınlıklarını nefretlerini anlatıp sonra tavır ve inançlarını feminist düşünceye yönelerek değiştirmeyi düşünmektedirler. Toplumsal cinsiyet sömürüsünün tartışma yoluyla keşfedildiğini anlatmaktadır[2].
Kadın Araştırmaları bir akademik disiplin haline gelmiştir. Fakat gene düşüncelerin tartışıldığı yer bilinç yükseltme grupları oldu çünkü akademik dünyada ataerkillik baskındı, sınıf ayrımına dayalıydı. Bilinç yükseltme grupları olmadığında kadınlar gene sınıflarına ve ırklarına göre ayrılıyor, feminizm için savundukları şeyler ise işgücünde eşitlik, erkek egemenliğe karşı durma oluyordu.
Özgürlük açısından incelendiğinde, ilk bölümde kadınların toplumsal cinsiyetin kurbanı olduğunu, yapılması gereken değişiklerin ve kadına haklarının verilmesi için her kadının bilinçlendirilmesi gerektiğini savunur. Ancak önemli nokta, kadınların kendi içindeki cinsiyetçi baskıyı sona erdirmektir. Devrimci feminizm içinde, erkekler içinde bilinç yükseltme grupları vardır, bunun faydası cinsiyetçiliğin nasıl sona ereceğini ve feminizmin ne olduğunu anlatmaktadır. Erkek düşmanlığı olmayan feminizmin nasıl kitlelere öğretilmesi gerektiğini, öncelikle herkesin bunu içselleştirerek uygulaması gerektiğini söyler.
Diğer bölümde kendi üniversite yıllarını, daha iyi bir eğitim için kadın üniversitesinden başka okula geçtiğini fakat burada eşitlik ve özgürlüğün kadınlar için sınırlı olduğuna tanık olmuştur. Cinsiyetçi düşüncenin rahatça dolaştığı bu ortamlarda kadınların birbirlerine hor görmeyi, rekabeti, acımasızca suçlamayı ve yargılamayı öğrettiğini anlatır. Kadın dostluğunun ataerkil toplum içinde mümkün olamayacağına değinen yazar, bunu adaletsizlik olarak nitelendirir. Kız kardeşliğin temeli ataerkil adaletsizliğin mücadelesini desteklemektedir. Kadınlar arasındaki dayanışmanın ataerkilliği zayıflatmak için uygun bir başlangıç olduğunu düşünmektedir. Ancak, gözden kaçmayan bir şey de beyaz kadınların buna sırt çevirmesiydi çünkü ırk ve sınıf olarak siyahîlerden kendilerini farklı tutuyorlardı. Yazarın üstünde durduğu bu kız kardeşlik güçlüdür sözü özgürlük için önemlidir, her kadının özgürleşebilmesi için dayanışma içinde olması gerekir ve feminist hareket hep bunu hatırlamalıdır.
Cinsiyetçi düşünceyi tekrar ele alacak olursak, yazar başka bir bölümde bunun ebeveynlerimiz ve toplum tarafından öğretildiğini söylemekte ve bunlar üzerine sosyalleştiğimizi anlatmaktadır. Feminizmin bir diğer başarılarından biri okul kitaplarındaki cinsiyetçi yaklaşımı ortaya çıkarmasıdır. Aynı şekilde, kadınların akademik ortamlarda yer alması bazı önyargıları da eskitmektedir. Çoğu zaman erkek profesörler tarafından okutulmayan kadın eserleri erkek otoritelerde engele takılmaktadır. Bunlar eşitlikçi düşünceyi savunan feminizmin eleştirisidir. Kadın araştırmaları bölümlerinin üniversitede kurulmasıyla feminizmin varlığı ve mesajı daha geniş kitlelere ulaştı.[3] Fakat her şey akademik hayatla bitmiyordu, akademinin dışında kalan kesim hedef kitle olarak görülmediği için teori ve pratikte feminizm yakınlaşmasını kesmiştir. Yazarın eleştirdiği bir başka şey, üretilen eserlerin fazlalaşmasının gerekliliği ve bunların genç kültüre de hitap etmesidir. Çocuk edebiyatı içinde kolay fark edilmeyen cinsiyetçi anlatımların kaldırılmasını savunmaktadır. Okullarda önyargısız müfredatlar olmalıdır. Ataerkil medyanın aksine kadını temel alan televizyonlar kurulmalı daha geniş kitlelere eğitim verilmelidir.
Kadının bilinçlenmesi, doğal haklarını savunması gerektiği için yazar diğer bir bölümde üremeye dair hakları ele almıştır. İyi eğitim görmüş beyaz kadınların elde edebildiği fakat diğer ırkların ve diğer sınıftan kadınların hak elde edemediği kürtaj meselesidir[4]. Cinsel baskı ve istismarsa daha önemli bir konudur. Açmak gerekirse, toplumsal cinsiyetin sağlanması için kadınların güvenli, olumlu, etkili doğum kontrol yöntemlerinden her kadının faydalanması gerekmektedir. Sorunlu kürtaj olayları, zorla evlendirilmeler, istenmeyen gebelikler, mahvolan evlilikler güvenli doğum kontrol yöntemleri ve yasal kürtaj hakkı olmadığı içindir. Güvenli ve yasal kürtaja hak sahibi olması gereken sadece beyaz kadınlar değildir, her kadının hakkıdır. Cinsel özgürlük ve eşitlik kazanma mücadelesinde doğum kontrol hapları kürtajdan daha çok tercih edilmiştir. Bu tip mücadeleler Hıristiyan dünyasına meydan okumadır çünkü kadının varlığı salt çocuk yetiştirmektir düşüncesinin kaderini değiştiren ve olması gereken kadın hakkıdır. Kadının kendi bedeni üzerindeki kararı ancak kendi verebilir, bu kimse için bir mesele olmamalıdır. Kendi bedeni üzerinde hakkı olamayan kadın diğer alanlarda hak iddia edemez, bu son derece yanlıştır. Eğer her kadın istediği zaman doğum kontrol yöntemlerine ulaşabilirse ve gelişmelerden haberdar olursa istenmeyen gebelik, aile içi şiddet, zor gecen kürtaj olayları sona erer. Burada savunulan kürtaj karşıtı hareket değildir, feminizmin savunduğu kürtaj olabilecek en son çaredir, daha öncesinden önlem alıp cinsel özgürlük kadının olmalıdır.
Cinsiyetçi düşünce, ataerkil yapının getirisidir. Bedenlerimizi görme biçimimiz, etrafımızdaki reklam objeleri kadınlar için birer tehdit haline gelmiştir. Cinsiyetçilik, beyaz üstünlükçü kapitalist ataerkil moda ve kozmetik dünyasının çıkarına olup kadınlar için bir rekabet ve aldatmacadan ibarettir. Kadın için yaşlanma korkulu bir rüya olmamalıdır, kadın kendini her zaman sevmeli ve değer vermelidir ve olduğu gibi kabul etmelidir.
Feminist sınıf mücadelesine bakmak gerekirse, önceden ayrıcalıklı sınıflara ait olan kadınlar kendi sorunlarını asıl sorun olarak ortaya koyabilmekteydiler, çünkü kitlesel medya onları takip etmektedir. Diğerlerinin sorunları çoğu zaman gündeme gelmezdi. Çalışma konusunda bir görecelik vardır: ayrıcalıklı sınıfa mensup ev kadını için özgürlük dışarıda çalışmakken, dışarıda yoğun olarak çalışan düşük gelirli kadın için özgürlük ev hayatıdır. Çalışmak toplumsal cinsiyete bağlı olmamalıdır, hiyerarşi ve sınıfsal imtiyazlar feminizmin düşmanıdır. Diğer ırktan olanların beyazlar kadar ekonomik güce ve ayrıcalığa sahip olmaları gerekmektedir. Çoğu kadın ev dışında çalışınca, sınıfsal statü elde edince feminist politikalar yok olmaya başlamıştır. Fakat çok geçmeden, ev işlerinin paylaşılması konusunda sorunlar yaşanmaya başlar. Çözüm olarak görülen politika şudur: kadının ekonomik olarak kendine yeter hale gelmesi ve diğer kadınlarında ekonomik olarak iyileştirilmesine yardımcı olmaktır. Zengin ve fakir arasındaki uçurumlaşma artıkça feminizm teori daha fazla sorgulanmaktadır. Feminizmin istediği ev hayatında kimsenin kimseye baskı yapmadığı ortaklaşa geçirilen bir hayat tarzıdır.
Yerel yaşamdaki kadın sömürüsü diğer ülkelerde ki sorunlarla hemen hemen aynıdır, farklı ülkelerde de ataerkillik mevcut olup, beyaz iktidarın çoğunlukta olduğuna değinmektedir. Küresel boyuttaki feminizmin amacı, cinsiyetçi düşünceyi ve sömürüyü sona erdirecek küresel mücadelelere katılmaktır.
Kadınlar iş hayatına atılsalar bile düşük ücretlerle, vasıfsız işlerde çalışmanın erkek egemenliğini yok etmek için faydalı olmadığı çok açıktır. Ev, kadınların dinlenme yeri ancak koca ve çocuk olmadığı zamandır fakat o zamanlarda da ev bireylerin ihtiyaçlarını karşılamakla mükelleftir. Çoğu kadın iş hayatına katılsalar bile ev işlerini de yaptıkları için yaşam kaliteleri düştüğü gözlemlenmiştir. Çalışma yaşamı değildir kadını özgürleştiren, kadını özgür kılan rahat çalışma saatleri, istikrarlı bir iş, yüksek ücret, ayrımcılığın barınamadığı bir yaşamdır.
Yazar ilerleyen bölümlerde ırk ve toplumsal cinsiyete değinir. Burada anlatılan kısaca şöyledir: beyaz kadınların sınıfsal çıkarlarının diğer kadınlara üstün gelmemesi gerektiğini, kız kardeşliğin her kadın için olduğunu, herkesin çıkarının eşit olduğu bir toplumsal hareket oluşturmaktır. Bu kuramı pratiğe geçirmek oldukça zor olsa da çoğu beyaz kadın dayanışma politikasına sıcak bakmaktadır. Kadına yönelik şiddette ise erkek şiddetini, hemcinsler arasındaki şiddeti de ele alır. Yazarın, sadece erkeklere suç yüklemediğini burada da açıkça anlayabiliriz. Ataerkil şiddet denildiğinde sadece erkekten gelen şiddetin kastedilmediğini, evde baba olmayan annelerinde çocukları için bu yollara başvurduğu anlatılmaktadır. Şiddetin kaynağı ve mantığı otoritenin sarsılmasından korkup karşı tarafı tehdit, fiziksel, ruhsal hırpalanmaya maruz bırakmaktır.
Feminist erkeklik konusunda ise yazar, feminist harekete karşı öfke duyan erkeklerin daha fazla destekçisi ve kitlesel medyada kamusal sesi olmuştur. Feminist harekete saldırmak; onları anlamaktan daha kolaydır. Fakat feminizme destek veren erkekler bu tip olayları tasvip etmediler. Bu hareketteki erkek varlığı, ataerkil yapıya karşı da direnmektedir ve bu düşünce içinde, olması gereken erkekliğin nasıl olduğu gösterilmeye çalışılmıştır. Feminist ebeveynlik ise benim hoşuma giden bir kavram olmuştur, en baştan çocuğa cinsiyetçilik kavramı ve önyargılar olmaksızın öğretilen her şey ilerde bireyken toplumda daha çok sayılmasına sebep olacaktır. Fakat gene burada eleştirilen şey ne yazık ki cinsiyetçi düşüncenin taşıyıcıları genelde kadınlar olduğudur. Özellikle, çocuğun evinde bir baba modeli olmadıysa anneler ona cinsiyetçi düşünceyi öğretmişlerdir. Çocuğa erkek egemenliğini vurgulamak onlara uygulanan şiddetin ve tacizin kolaylaşmasını ve itaatkâr olmasını da sağlayacaktır. Ebeveynlerin cinsiyetçiliği sona erdirmeleri ve özgür bir şekilde çocuklarına sevgilerini vermeleri gerekmektedir.
Feminist hareketin diğer bir eşitlikçi yanı, kadınları bakire ya da sadık sevgili olmadıkları için cezalandıran ama erkeklerin cinsel olarak arzuladığı şeyleri yapmasını normal gösteren çifte standarda karsı çıkmasıdır. Kadın iş yaşamında başarılı, mücadeleci olsa bile ev hayatına eşine boyun eğdiği anlar olmuştur. Tek eşli olmayan ilişkilerin kadına zarar verdiği sadece erkeklere güç kazandırdığını görmekteyiz. Ancak, birden çok sevgili geçmişi olan kadına toplum tarafından iyi gözle bakılmadığı çok iyi bilinmektedir. Bunların aşılması, erkek iktidarının hak ettiği yere konulmasıyla olur bu da kadın erkek eşitliğiyle olur. Kadının özgür olamadığı kadın erkeğin gölgesinde barınacaktır, başlı başına birey olamayacaktır. Ev hayatında ise, yatak odasında eşitlik kabul etmeye hevesli olan bir erkek ne yazık ki ev iş paylaşımında aynı hassasiyeti göstermemektedir[5]. Cinsiyetçi bir temel üzerine inşa edilen evliliklerde derin sorunlar bulunacağı bilinmektedir. Bu da aile bağlarını çok kolay koparmaktadır.
Kadının cinsel özgürlük, erkekle ev ve iş yerinde eşitlik hakkına sahip olma kadının temel hakkıyken bu ataerkillikle unutturulmakta ve baskı altına alınmaktadır. Karşılıklı mutlulukta esas olan cinsiyetçi düşüncelerden arınmaktır. Başka bir yönden, kitap homofobiyle mücadeleyi ele almıştır. Lezbiyen kadınlarında kadınlar arasında ikincil konumda göründüklerini bunların aşılması gerektiğini ifade eder.
Bunlara ek olarak, feminist maneviyatçılık anlatılmaktadır. Burada dinin kadına biçtiği değerin kutsal olduğu, kadının erkek müdahelesi olmadan tek ve huzurlu olduğu zamanın tanrıyla yakınlaştığı anlar olduğunu belirtir.
Kitabı son olarak analiz etmek gerekirse, yazar oldukça kültürel eleştiriler ışığında yorumlamaktadır. Kendini sosyal bir aktivist olarak ve devrimci feminist olarak görmektedir. Irkçılık, sınıfsal ayrıcalık, kapitalizm, emperyalizm ve sömürgeciliğin kadınlar üzerinde nasıl bir baskı ve değer bunalımı yaşandığını göstermektedir. Yazar kadınların deneyimlerini, ruhsal ve entelektüel zekâlarını dayanışma çerçevesinde kullanılmasını istemektedir. Kitapta, erkeklere de seslemektedir, onlarında feminist harekette pozitif rol almalarını, ataerkil sistemin de onlara zararlı olduğunu dile getirir. Aslında, yaşadıkları dünya hakkında bilinçlenmeyle birlikte feminizme daha da yakınlaşacaklarını anlatmaktadır. Okuyucunun sosyal hayattaki yerinin ve statüsünün farkına varmayı, dayanışmanın önemli olduğunu her defasında dile getirmektedir. Feminizme yeni olanlar için tarihsel gelişmeleri anlatması faydalı olmuştur.
Bell Hooks burjuva kadınlarının işgücüne katılmalarının artmasını eleştirirken değindiği nokta şudur: kadınların gruplaşıp yükselmeleridir hâlbuki her kadın eşit haklarla yükselmelidir. Kadının siyahi ırka, homoseksüel seçime, orta sınıfa mensup olması bunlara göre kategorize edilmesi feminizmin içinde kırıklara yol açmaktadır. Bu da kapitalizmin en büyük getirisidir. Buna ek olarak, tüm ırklardaki ayrıcalıklı sınıfa mensup kadınların özgürlüğü sürekli olarak çalışan ve fakir sınıf kadınların ikinci planda kalmasını gerektirmektedir.[6] Feminist özgürlük elit sınıflarla mücadele eden sosyal değişimlere bağlıdır. Bu manada, çalışmanın anlamını ve kadın özgürlüğünü tekrar düşünmeliyiz. Kadın işe yaşam kalitesini artırmaktan ziyade para kazanmak için gidiyorsa bu ekonomik olarak kendine yeterlilik olmamaktadır. Eğer para kadınların sağlık, mutluluk, refah durumunu kolaylaştırmıyorsa daha çok para daha çok özgürlük getirmemektedir. Kariyere odaklı iş de böyledir[7]. Hooks’un istediği feminist teorinin hayata uygulanmasıdır, eğer kadının kendi bedenine ne olacağı üzerine karar verme hakkı yoksa diğer alanlarda haklarından vazgeçme riskiyle karşı karşıyadırlar. Organize olmuş, radikal feminizm, kitlesel siyasi hareketler gerekmektedir. Kısacası bu yüzden, Hooks yenilenmiş siyasal birlik beraberlik, dayanışma, kadınlar arasında dahi cinsiyetçiliğin barınamadığı bir hayat istemektedir. Cinsiyetçi ayrışmalar, kutupluluk yüzünden feminist devrimin tek başına feraha eremeyeceği gözlenmektedir, feminizmin yanı sıra ırkçılık, sömürgecilik, sınıf elitizmi, cinsiyetçilik ile de başa çıkılmalıdır. Böylece, herkese eşitlik, özgürlük ve adalet sağlanacak bir dünya mümkün olacaktır.
v Bell, Hooks, Feminizm Herkes İçindir, Çitlembik Yayınları, İstanbul, 2002.
20 Ekim 2010
Bugünün güzelliğine kendime güzel bir akşam menüsü hazırladım, azcık dolandım dışarda istediğim dergiyi buldum, Feminist teoriyi bitirmeye sadece 270 küsür sf kaldı yani daha başındayım :)
Max'la çok oyunlar oynadık bugün o zıpladı ben zıpladım annem kızdı, olsun biz mutlu olduk, zıplayarak ters dönebiliyor ama ben bunu yapamıyorum, Max tüm yorgunluğumu alıyor ama çok da meşgul ediyor, bugün onu da ödüllendirdim, nane yapraklarını bolca önüne koydum gözlerini kısa kısa yedi.
Yağmur akşamüstü nihayet dindi, uyumadım, demekki uyumaktan başka işlerimde varmış.
Max'la çok oyunlar oynadık bugün o zıpladı ben zıpladım annem kızdı, olsun biz mutlu olduk, zıplayarak ters dönebiliyor ama ben bunu yapamıyorum, Max tüm yorgunluğumu alıyor ama çok da meşgul ediyor, bugün onu da ödüllendirdim, nane yapraklarını bolca önüne koydum gözlerini kısa kısa yedi.
Yağmur akşamüstü nihayet dindi, uyumadım, demekki uyumaktan başka işlerimde varmış.
20.10.2010 ne kadar güzel bir tarih :) kaç bin yılda bir denk gelir acaba, bugün kesin evlenenler, nişanlananlar, hayatlarında bir dönüm noktası yapmaya hazırlananlar, daha 2 ayı daha olup sırf bugün 20.10.2010diye sezaryene yatan doğuran kadınlar olduğuna eminim...doğum günü olanlar zaten bol bol övünsün, göze hoş gelen bir tarih sizler içinde uğurlu olur dilerim ;)
ben ne yapıyorum peki bu tarihte,
Feminist teori adlı kitabın özetini çıkarıyorum :)
ben ne yapıyorum peki bu tarihte,
Feminist teori adlı kitabın özetini çıkarıyorum :)
Kırtasiyeci ruhlu doğmak
Kırtasiye ne demektir pek bilinmez, merak edende olmamıştır: Arapça kökenli olup kâğıtla yapılan işlemler anlamında da kullanılmaktadır.
bendeki kalem koleksiyonu ve kalem ve kırtasiye malzemeleri aşkı çocukluktan beri kırtasiyeci olma isteğini hep ön plana çıkarmıştı, şimdi bakıyorum da mahallelerdeki kırtasiyelere dönemsel kalabalıklardan sonra çoğunlukla boş, kasvetli..pek ilgi çekmiyor..ya da çocuklar içeri girip bu kaç lira amca , bu ne işe yarıyor amca gibi sorulara cevap vermeye tenezzül etmeyenleri görünce çekinip gitmek istemiyorlar, zengin çocukları da görgüsüzce aldıkları malzemeleri okulda diğer arkadaşlarına gösterip hava atarken diğerlerinin içi az mı ezilmiştir,imrenmiştir, düşünün...
benim hayalimdeki kırtasiye belki orta yaslarımdan sonra acağım dükkanla beraber gerçekleşecek, çünkü şu ana kadar kimsenin yapamadığı ama olsa çocukların içinden çıkmak istemediği, işin karını geri plana attığım, içinde bulunmaktan hoşnut olacağım bir meslek olucak. Büyük magazalardaki, uluslararası şirketlerin, ofis malzemeleri satan magazalarına benzemeyecek benim kırtasiyem.. Atatürk'ün fotoğraflarıyla, onun çocuk ve kadına gösterdiği ilgiyi, sefkatı konu eden bir çok tablo olacak duvarlarda, Cinsiyetçi ayrımın yapılmadığı pembe ve mavi renklerinin hakim olmadığı, unutulan renklerle canlanıcak, içeri girildi mi iştah açıcak besin değerleri yüksek aperatifler de, meşrubatlar da olucak misafirlerim için( asla müşteri demem onlara), sonra onların sevdiği müzikler çalınıcak, rengarenk kalemler, silgiler, okuma çizme boyama kitapları, boyalar, okul malzemeleri ama hiçbiri pembe ve mavi olmayacak, ama iki renk aynı nesne üzerine olabilir..
Kırtasiyecilik güzel meslek ama küçük esnaflık olarak kalınca para kazanma odaklı olmuyor tabiki, ama benim amacım gelen kitleyi memnun edebilmek..
Gelecekte tonton bi nine olup bu dükkanı kurduğumda elimde imkanlarım olursa hayallerimi gerçekleştireceğim.
Kırtasiyenin adını merak eden olursa:
Satırarası Kırtasiye
20 ekim: başlangıçın 2. günü
güne iyi başlamak için beni mutlu eden herşeyi düşünürüm, bugünde blogumu düşündüm yazmak için sabırsızlanıyordum :)
hava çok yağmurlu, insanlar buna alışmış olmalı ki yavas yavas yürüyorlar caddede, belki kurak geçen yazdan sonra bir özlem duydular, ben camıma vuran damlaların birleşip yol almasını izlerken makale yazıyorum, bu da keyif almamı sağlıyor, blogu açınca da burda paylaşmak ayrıca mutlu ediyor, haşmetli tacım başımda, zekam sermayemken iyi işler planlıyorum bugün için..
hava çok yağmurlu, insanlar buna alışmış olmalı ki yavas yavas yürüyorlar caddede, belki kurak geçen yazdan sonra bir özlem duydular, ben camıma vuran damlaların birleşip yol almasını izlerken makale yazıyorum, bu da keyif almamı sağlıyor, blogu açınca da burda paylaşmak ayrıca mutlu ediyor, haşmetli tacım başımda, zekam sermayemken iyi işler planlıyorum bugün için..
şimdilik hoşçakal..
19 Ekim 2010
gene hissettim..
Depremlere o kadar hassaslaştım ki, yeraltındaki köstebek kadar iyi hissettiğime eminim. Ankara'da 17.30 civarında hafif şiddette deprem hissettim, şimdi baktım rasathaneye ve 4 şiddetinde olmuş
Yakınlardaki herkese geçmiş olsun diyorum :)
Artık, bugün bir daha girmemek üzere netten çıkıyorum. Yapacak yığınla işi erteleyip bugün kendime blog açtım, umarım uzun yıllar sürer :),Tekrar geçmiş olsun..
American Beauty
Film Reflection
American Beauty can be seen as a critique of mass society. It tells the story of one man’s search for happiness. The film introduces Lester Burnham, an ordinary looking, married man and father in his forties. However, he is in a loveless marriage. His wife is so concerned about her real estate career that his husband often claims Carolyn doesn’t acknowledge him. Furthermore, his daughter is a typically apathetic teenager who doesn’t care her father for his lack of support and she sometimes finds herself less than perfect. He is in danger of losing job even if he has dedicated fourteen years to his occupation. All of these factors dramatically affect him and cause feelings of desperation and vulnerability for him. He searches to escape or rebirth. He is seeking the possibility of happiness. After a while, he likes girl’s friend, Angela. He feels excited by the thought that a teen age girl thinks he is hot. Lester hears something from Angela, she has stated that she would have sex with him so Lester starts working out and build up his body. This drives him to change himself completely. He is in desperate and looks for happiness, he finds an escape in Angela. After a while, he purchase a red sports car, smokes marijuana, exercising maniacally and fantasizing about younger women (Angela). However, Angela is really a virgin although she lies continually about sexual encounters with many men. It shows us, people don’t want to represent to reality to be center of attention and to be liked.
All characters have choices to be happy, choices give an individual the freedom to decide the path, which they follow. Each character has to learn how to deal with his or her own problems.
Lester thinks having a red sports car makes him more popular but he depresses his unconscious desires in that way. Using Marijuana can be the same. Therefore, repression of one’s real desires and hiding, it can be seen clearly in this film. Consumption can determines social standards of people’s life. Therefore, this film provides us the increasing of consumption habits.
In this film, they try to portray this image of happiness. It is a film about an American family that tries to follow the perfect life, American Dream. This dream can be described as having a family that is having a good neighborhood, having a successful career, and general people have to choose a life which make them very happy. Burnham family tries to show that they are a happy family by living a beautiful home (with expensive furniture), having a teenager daughter, and careers of their own that they are very successful in. However, they don’t glad with their situation. According to Lester, his marriage is just for show.
People can be beautiful, but not happy. For instance, Angela is pretty beautiful and attractive girl but she search different desires so she tells lie. Beauty is defined by outer presentation and appearance, confidence and personality; these are the all component of happiness. People may be happy, but not successful. Lester cannot be seen as successful, he cannot be seen as happy. His daughter meets a boy, play games with him and it finally makes her beautiful. Lester realizes that he was not happy at his job so he decides to quit and applies at the one job that makes him happy (fast food restaurant). Beauty does not need to whole happiness, but society tells and teaches us as it does.
Women Become the Victims of Eating Disorder
I first developed my eating disorder the night before because I
was rejected by a boy at age fifteen. Since I liked my self, I really
felt the only thing wrong with me was my weight. (From a girl’s diary)
Mirror, mirror on the wall tell me who’s the thinnest one of all? Have you ever thought that why bulimics mainly women? We live in a society, which is fundamentally unsatisfying to many women, and eating disorders are the symbols of this inner emptiness (Cohn 25). Men and women are naturally concerned with their appearance, through childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Women constantly get the message that how they look like is more important than what they think, do or feel. They are also aware of stereotypically ‘‘feminine’’ traits, such as politeness, cleanliness, docility, and unselfishness. Therefore, another stereotype is that ideal women bodies should be thin, not just fit enough. Women bodies are sometimes tools for popularity and power. Being fat is associated with being ‘’ lazy, ugly, weak and lacking will power. Researchers from the University of Minnesota investigated the people think that if women are slender or slim, it means they are hard working, beautiful, sexy, and strong and self-disciplined. As a result, they often feel great pressure to achieve or maintain an imaginary appearance. There are three ways that influence or trigger eating disorders social stereotypes, media and advertisements (products). They flourish with the help of consumerism. These factors can be held responsible for women’s eating disorder because they glorify the culture of slimness. That’s why women become the victims of eating disorders.
It is worthwhile to explain what eating disorder means. Eating disorders are complex, chronic illnesses largely misunderstood and misdiagnosed (Spearing 1).
The most common eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder, which are on the rise among families because of the genetic and environmental factors. A girl’s social environment can emphasize the importance of thinness and weight control. Additionally, women pursuing professions or activities that emphasize thinness like modeling, dancing, gymnastics. On the other hand, women become the victims of media and advertisements. Another point is that the idealization of thinness has resulted in distorted body image and unrealistic measures of beauty and appearance. TV, magazines, movies reinforce the belief that women should be more concerned with their appearance. Melissa Spearing argues that body dissatisfaction, feeling of fatness and drive for thinness has led many women to become concerned their appearance (Spearing 1).
Before discussing the factors that trigger the eating disorders, it is important to explain what anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are. Anorexia nervosa includes resistance to maintain minimally body weight for age and height. Generally, fear of gaining weight or becoming fat, even though underweight causes the anorexia. Women with this disorder see themselves as overweight even though they are extremely thin so this process becomes an obsession. Unusual eating habits develop, such as avoiding food and meals, picking out a few foods and eating these small quantities. Besides, carefully weighing and portioning foods can the exact examples for eating disorder. People with anorexia may repeatedly check their weight and engage to control their weights such as intense exercise, vomiting and abuse of laxatives. According to Spearing, the mortality rate among women with anorexia has been estimated at 0.56 percent per year, or approximately 5.6 per decade, which is about 12 times higher than the annual rate due to the all causes of death among females ages 15-24 in the general population (Spearing 2).
Secondly, bulimia nervosa is another eating disorders and an estimated 1.1 percent to 4.2 percent of females have bulimia in their life time (American Journal). Symptoms of bulimia include recurrent episodes binge eating (eating too much). It characterizes by eating an excessive amount of food within a discrete period and by a sense of lack of control. It is obvious to realize inappropriate behaviors in order to prevent weight gain, such as self- induced vomiting misuse of laxatives. Women with bulimia usually weigh within the normal range for their age and height. Like anorexia, they may fear gaining weight. They desire to lose weight willingly because they feel intensely dissatisfied with their bodies. These women often perform their acts in a secret way, feeling disgusted and ashamed because of their overweight.
Anorexia often begins with an attempt to be slim. On the other hand, bulimia nervosa develops in %50 of former anorectics when they cannot manage to restrain their eating anymore. These women give importance to their appearance. We can see clearly the increasing cultural emphasis on thinness, it shows how women consider the society’s myths, and obsession of weight emerges. Bennett in his book ’’The Dieter’s Dilemma’’ says that:
Much evidence has accumulated now for an increasingly demanding thin body ideal in the Western nations, particularly the United States, but also in Western Europe and probably throughout industrialized world. The idealization
of thinness and the emphasis on weight control has been a part of Western culture since the early twentieth century, 1960s, that dieting and thinness attained the status of a mass cultural obsession (Bennett 7).
Cultural obsession encourages women to be thin and slender. Therefore, changing stereotypes, media and diet advertisement or products trigger the desire of thinness among women.
Firstly, stereotypes cause a visible problem for women, which are anorexic and bulimic. Stereotypes have actually undesirable and adverse means for overweight women. There is a common understanding of women appearance among societies as follows: the slim youthful body is beautiful and healthy. The fat women are slovenly, ugly, prone to disease, and lacks self-disciplined, fat equals to lazy, unintelligent, lack of self-control. In the Gordon’s book ‘‘Eating Disorders’’ discusses prejudice against fat people is the last acceptable prejudice (Gordon 41). Some culture thinks heavier women are not qualified to be picked for the job. On the contrary, there are many overweight women work qualified jobs and they are happy with their kilos. Therefore, some societies have wrong myths about women appearance so these factors encourage slimming. Due to the stereotypes, being fat women can be understood out of shape. Women do not want to have bigger chest, hips and bottom because of the stereotypes. Women are sick and tired of seeing all girls in the magazines and video with no hips. For this reason, they are admired to be thin as much as can. They do not prefer being fat women because of the prejudices. Mervat Nasser says that we all experience first hand the powerful anorexic influences that are currently playing upon us, particularly upon the female (Nasser 20).
Overweight girl has struggle with her appearance because the society’s myths are contradictory to her. As I wrote the head of the essay, that girl was rejected from her boyfriend because of her overweight. Actually, every woman may try this way to be loved because if there is no instant choice, eating disorder is the easy way to lose weight but they endanger themselves. The girl can be excluded from her environment because of her overweight so she has to prove herself in an easy way. Moreover, fat women are victimized by societies’ prejudices. Overweight women are supposed to not be attractive to men; they are not considered a real woman. Ideal body stereotypes are always based on the slim women such as models. Women are more concerned with their appearance because of the stereotypes. As a result, stereotypes affect the rise of eating disorders among women because the stereotypes glorify the slimness.
What’s more, Non-western countries have less eating disorder than Western countries because eastern countries have no common prejudice to the fat women. Hence, some studies show Non-western countries clearly lacked a definition of the syndrome of anorexia nervosa.. Non-western cultures have long been considered relatively immune from developing eating disorders, by reasons of different authentic cultural values that do not overvalue thinness. According to Ford who is the author of Patterns of Sexual Behavior, these cultures possibly associate plumpness with positive attributes of wealth, fertility and femininity. Even obesity in some societies was once seen to reflect desirable sexual characteristic (Ford 24). For example, When Anne Becker, a psychiatrist, first conducted research in Fiji in the early 1990s, she found a far greater percentage of Fijian women were overweight (Gordon 45). According to their life styles if a woman is getting fat, it is acceptance and celebration, it is good for the woman. Since, to be fat was seen as either strong, capable of work; to be thin was viewed highly negatively like illnesses, poor treatment. It shows the Fiji has no myths to the fat and there is a big difference between the cultures in terms of semblance.
Another Non-western cultures, which do not promote eating disorders, are the Indians and the Chinese. The Chinese have been described as being preoccupied with food, and offering good food is seen as means of showing affection, some Chinese would say ‘’ have you eaten’’ as a form of greeting when others would say ‘’Hello’’. According to Confucianism, human nature has an innate desire for food and sex, which needs to be satisfied (Nasser 53). Non-western cultures are not concerned that means they are happy with their overweight so these culture’s women satisfied with their appearance. In other words, Chinese and Indian don’t encourage the women slimming.
On the contrary, women who belong to the western countries they cannot accept being fat because some stereotypes promote slim beauty. As a result, more women than men began to show higher levels of body dissatisfaction, it causes eating disorders. Besides, many countries in the western world have undergone changes in dietary habits because of the some stereotypes, which originated from people’s prejudices. In the nineteenth century, thinness began to be positively perceived as showing a beauty and sexiness. Another stereotype is that, the change in aesthetic values, with more admiration given to thinner and thinner female figure was endorsed by the rich who are able to purchase good organic foods and go gymnastic rooms. It can be a stereotype comes from the Western society. If women live in the western countries, they have to be thin in order to be acceptable by everyone. That is not true because stereotypes can be broken. People can change their attitudes towards the women who are fat.
Another way of triggering the eating disorder is the media. The media is held responsible for eating disorders. The media seek to inform women, entertain them, change them and shape them. Women should accuse media, by glorifying the culture of thinness. Kelly Brownell, a US expert in eating disorders, argues that the media contribute to a toxic environment in which eating disorders may be more likely to occur. This is because of the damaging modern society in which media promotes, in a compelling manner, a low weight sculptured ideal body. Media makes the woman’s body image thinner and thinner. On the other hand, because of the proliferation of food every culture, women are getting bigger and fatter. The gap between actual body sized and the media’s image is getting wider, and giving rise to anxiety among all women. Therefore, women resort to eating disorders. There is no doubt that the media provides significant content on body images to young women who read fashion and beauty related magazines. When women watch these shows that include models, they want to have a similar appearance with models. Briefly, media has a broad influence for women and media causes the consciousness of weight among women.
The media presents with an idealized shape which is invested with attributes of being attractive, desirable, successful and loveable but which is not attainable without resorting to dangerous eating habits such as using laxatives. This causes eating disorders directly. Fashion TV is a big deal because these models are generally anorexic and they are not nice examples for girls. Unfortunately, the role of commercial interests and the media promotes to have eating disorders. In the environment of the consumer originated, industrial societies, electronic images, photos have a potent to influence women overweight consciousness. Anorexia and bulimia are sometimes literally evident fashion. Richard Gordon is a psychologist who wrote ‘’Eating Disorders: Anatomy of a Social Epidemic’’ argues that the historical evolution of the thin look and the role-played by the fashion industry and the media representing this idealized image (Gordon 90). The glamorization of thinness in magazines and fashion was to spread throughout society and they introduced women to standard sizing. 90-60-90 is the best cliché explanation for good model appearance. Therefore, women are so desperate who have not the similar size and they are always in front of the mirror.
The experts confirm that women and girls are vulnerable to messages and images conveyed through media. Women and especially girls cannot discriminate between what they see and what the real is. They are often unaware digital technology and manipulation in the fashion industry; media makes female images without reality. These images promote unrealistic standards that are impossible to achieve. Therefore, many girls don’t want to eat anymore or eat a lot and try to vomit in order to be slim. Magazines accuse the models that are not slim and exaggerate their slim bodies; they never reflect the reality anyway. Many girls believe the magazines and feel deprived. However, eating disorders that originated from the media can cause serious problems. A girl can imitate from catwalks then becomes rejecting eating; the girl can face with the death. Models are the symbol of social desirability. Therefore, many women find themselves as an inferior object because they have no slim body. Briefly, the main explanation for the universal spread of the concept of thinness and the global increase in weight consciousness is the increasing of the thinness ideal through mass media. For example, the impact of television on the new generation in Japan has been observed: ’’It is interesting that in one of the studies carried out in Japan with the intention of assessing the level of eating disorders in this society, the authors speculated that girls who spent a lot of time watching television could potentially increase their susceptibility to eating disorders ’’ (Nasser 58). Even if Japan is a Non-western county, these girls become the victim of eating disorders by the media.
The access to western media has considerably increased in recent years through the spread of satellite channels. The Middle East now has several satellite channels but there is a tendency to adopt the western look and style that is perceived as popular. When Anne Becker went to the Fiji Island in 1998, some stereotypes had undergone a dramatic change. Not only were large numbers of women, especially teenage girls unhappy with their body size and they are on dieting. Besides, their level of distorted eating attitudes is comparable with western nations. Fijian culture encounters with the television. Fijian women were now exposed to the likes of programs such as beauty and slim, Beverley Hills, diet. Women, particularly teenagers are obsessed with overweight, they dislike their fat appearance and the media causes the eating disorders directly. As we can understand, the media easily manipulate the traditional culture and change the beliefs towards weight. Moreover, fashion and beauty magazines are everywhere such as Chile, Hong Kong, Argentina, Israel, Turkey, India. These kinds of magazines have a purpose to imitate the women to the slim body ideals and it causes the emergence of eating disorders. To sum up, women are more concerned their appearance because the televisions, magazines and they are the victim of eating disorders.
Another way of causing the eating disorders is the advertisements or commercials. An ice cream and beauty creams have a same actress in the advertisement but they have different goals. Ice cream helps to gain weight but the beauty creams helps to be more attractive. The actress has a good looking and slim. The viewers mostly women believe that when they eat ice cream a lot, they feel they wont gain weight because the actress who play in the commercial is quite beautiful and slender. Actually, advertisements can misdirect the women. Most channel gives place to the diet commercials such as how to be fit and they recommend using the product and seeing the difference. What’s more, when we turn over the pages of any women’s magazine, we can see clearly a lot of commercials that include suggested diet. These diets glorify the slimness to manipulate women.
Besides advertisements are the powers of consumerism. Food consumption relates to personnel identity and statues for the consumerism culture. Consumerism and eating disorders have a close relationship. Consumerism provides more and more opportunity to be slim and media give messages on body size. Women are influenced by the consumerism culture. The media can persuade women that wrong eating habits are right and nature. Instant dieting and buying expensive dieting goods show importance of consumerism among women. Actually, it is not correct. As knows, advertisements presents women with an idealized shape which is invested with attributes of being attractive, desirable and successful but which is unattainable without resorting to sinister or dangerous eating habits. They cause the misdirection and misunderstanding of health. Being slim does not mean being healthy.
There are some solutions to reduce the eating disorders by advertisements and media. I think, broadcast and written media can be a source of valuable information on health and well being. In addition, awareness of eating disorders, through magazines, articles and television programmes may educate women the danger of abusing food, and may help to make sufferers aware that they have a problem and they are not alone. In this respect, media may have useful roles such as health promotion for the public and prevention of eating disorders. Health promotion seeks to promote healthful behaviors or attitudes to the public. Primary prevention is defined as an activity designed to eliminate or render ineffective factors. Media and advertisements should contribute to health promotion and primary prevention. Media can present a greater variety of body shapes and sized in photos. They should discourage dieting and should assist women/girls with an influence academic people ( such as doctors, psychologists, teachers) from making weight a problem. Media and advertisements provide positive fat role models. Moreover, the media should not glamorize celebrities who lose weight. Lastly, media and advertisements should represent the positive way of eating and being healthy.
To sum up, eating disorders involve serious disturbances in eating behavior such as extreme and unhealthy reduction of food because of extreme concern about body shape or weight. Women want to be attractive and they believe that slimness is good. However, it is completely wrong because being slim does not mean to be healthy. Some stereotypes cause these illnesses. I mean encouraging slimness can misdirect women and the society cannot be aware of this danger. Another reason to cause to increase the rate of eating disorders is The media. Media glorifies the women appearance especially slimness but it flourishes the overweight women’s self-esteem. That’s why, media should not encourage the women to be slender by showing extreme fashion models. Besides, the advertisements triggers the eating disorders and it reaches the behavior of consumption
American Journal of Psychiatric Association Work Group. ‘’Eating Disorders’’.
American Journal 157(1 Suppl):1-39. December 2005
<http://ajp.psychiatryonline.org /cgi/search?sortspec=relevance&journalcode
Bennett, William. The Dieter’s Dilemma. New York: Basic Books, 1983.
Cohn, Leigh, and Lindsey Hall. Bulimia A Guide to Recovery. Carlsbad: Gürze
Books, 1986
Ford, C. S., Patterns of Sexual Behavior. New York: Ace Books, 1952.
Gordon, Richard A., Eating Disorders Anatomy of a Social Epidemic.
Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers, 2000.
Nasser, Mervat. Culture and Weight Consciousness. London: Routledge,
Spearing, Melissa. ‘’Eating Disorders:Facts About Eating Disorders and the
Search for Solutions.’’ nimh. 2001. National Institute of Mental Health.
March 2007< http://www.nimh.nih.gov/publicat/eatingdisorders.cfm>
Feminism: General Overwiev
“Feminism is an assertion that women as a group have been historically disadvantaged relative to men of their race, class, ethnicity, or sexual identity; and a commitment to changing the structures that systemically privilege men over women.”
Journal of Women’s History
There are many definitions of what a feminist is the simplest and probably the best is what is listed in most dictionaries a person who believes in the full equality of women and men. This means anyone male or female who supports this idea can be a feminist. Gloria Steinmen is a Jewish American feminist and journalist and a spokeswoman for women’s rights and she is the founder and original publisher of Ms. magazin says that a feminist is anyone who recognizes the equality and full humanity of women and man.[1] The goal of feminism is equality and that means both that women do what men have done be fire fighters and corporate executives and that men do what women have done be stay-at-home fathers and secretaries. Feminism is both an intellectual commitment and a political movement that seeks justice for women and the end of sexism in all forms. However, there are many different kinds of feminism. Feminists disagree about what sexism consists in, and what exactly ought to be done about it; they disagree about what it means to be a woman or a man and what social and political implications gender has or should have. Feminism is a diverse collection of social theories, political movements, and moral philosophies. Some versions are critical of past and present social relations. Many focus on analyzing what they believe to be social constructions of gender and sexuality. Many focus on studying gender inequality and promoting women’s rights, interests, and issues. Feminist theory aims to understand the nature of gender inequality and focuses on gender politics, power relations and sexuality. Feminism is also based on experiences of gender roles and relations. Firstly, feminism principles guide the their equality- seeking organizations. These are the some of feminist principles such as accountability, advocacy, challenge and conflict, choice, consultation, diversity, education and mentoring, equality, evaluation, joy and celebration, leadership, power sharing and safety. The feminist principle of accountability is necessary to building and maintaining healthy, active equality- seeking organizations. Global women’s movement improves and strengths the collective efforts towards peace, equality and justice. Feminists are accountable through our practice of feminist principles. The feminst principle of advocacy means supporting or recommending a position or course of action. It has been informed by women’s experiences in their efforts to cause equality and inclusion. Advocacy may take place through a variety of actions and strategies. Susan Hollet says that
I can vote, have own my business, attend university, and own property… because there have been changes in the world. These changes did not just evolve or occur as a result of new technologies. They were result of women making themselves and their beliefs into immovable objects around which the system had to move and thereby forcing those radical changes. (Hollet 1)The feminist principle of challenge and conflict means that we accept conflict as inevitable while embracing challenge as the practice of calling into account, questioning and reflecting. When feminists are committed to respectful ways of challenging and healthy conflict resolution processes, we deepen feminists’ individual and collective understanding.
Another principle of feminism is the choice. The principle of choice means that men and women should respect, support and advocate for women’s individual and collective right to make our own decisions about women’s bodies, families, jobs and lives. The right to choose is integral to the feminist pursuit of social, legal political, economic and cultural equality for women. Therefore, I think choice is often seen as a cornerstone of feminist principles, and as feminists we are often challenged on its relevance. The feminist principle of consultation means working collaboratively, seeking guidance and sharing information to develop strategies and actions to advance women’s equality. The feminist principle of diversity means that we respect, accept and celebrate our individual and collective differences as women, including those based on on age, race, culture, ability, sexuality, geography, religion, politics, class, education and image among others. Classism is discrimination based on class, income or social status.
There is another principle is education equality. It means the principle of education and mentoring means creating opportunities to guide, counsel, coach and teach each other. Constantly sharing skills, knowledge, history and understanding makes organizations healthier and more effective in their pursuit of equality. The feminist of joy and celebration enables human to reconnect with feminist reasons for choosing equality seeking work and reclaim feminism as basis of unity. Moreover, the feminist principle of leadership means embracing and sharing skills and knowledge of individual women, providing opportunities for all women to develop their leadership potential. All women have the capacity to become leaders and they have to be equal with men. The feminist principle of power sharing means we are committed to creating balanced power relationships through democratic practices of shared leadership, decision-making, authority, and responsibility. According to feminism there is no hierarchy in the nature. Unequal power cannot exist between men and women. On the other hand, patriarchy supports the natural order and unequal power. Another principle is that the safety means that feminists individually and collectively encourage the full participation of women within organizations by fostering environments that are healthy, empowering, educational and confidential.
Feminism occurs the 1790’s, Olympe de Gouges, a butcher’s daughter, proved to be one of the most outspoken and articulate women revolutionaries. In 1791 she wrote the following declaration, directly challenging the inferiority presumed of women by the Declaration of the Rights of Man. Her attempts to push this idea lead to her being charged with treason during the rule of the National Convention. She was quickly arrested, tried, and on November 3, 1793, executed by the guillotine. As understand, women had no right to support their rights and equality. With the Age of Enlightment emerged the women’s right and secular intellectual reasoning, and a flowering of philosophical writing characterized Enlightment Age. A vindication of the Rights of Women (1792) and Declaration of the Rights of Women are the former implementations. This declaration is the one of the works that can be clearly called feminist.
Besides, there are three movements to show the feminism. First Wave Feminism refers to the first concerted movement working for the reform of women’s social and legal inequalities in the nineteenth century. Although individual feminist such as Mary Wollstonecraft had already argued against the injustices suffered by women, it was not until the 1850′s that something like an organized feminist movement evolved in Britain. Its headquarters was at Langham Place in London, where a group of middle-class women, led by Barbara Bodichon (1827-91) and Bessie Rayner Parkes (1829-1925), met to discuss topical issues and publish the English Woman’s Journal (1858-64). The key concerns of First Wave Feminists were education, employment, the marriage laws, and the plight of intelligent middle-class single women. They were not primarily concerned with the problems of working-class women, nor did they necessarily see themselves as feminists in the modern sense (the term was not coined until 1895). First Wave Feminists largely responded to specific injustices they had themselves experienced. Their major achievements were the opening of higher education for women; reform of the girls’ secondary-school system, including participation in formal national examinations: the widening of access to the professions, especially medicine; married women’s property rights, recognized in the Married Women’s Property Act of 1870; and some improvement in divorced and separated women’s child custody rights. Active until the First World War, First Wave Feminists failed, however, to secure the women’s vote.The second one can be called Second Wave of Feminism. It was coined by Marsha Lear, and refers to the increase in feminist activity that occurred in America, Britain, and Europe from the late sixties onwards. In America, second wave feminism rose out of the Civil Rights and anti-war movements in which women, disillusioned with their second-class status even in the activist environment of student politics, began to band together to contend against discrimination. The tactics employed by Second Wave Feminists varied from highly-published activism, such as the protest against the Miss America beauty contest in 1968, to the establishment of small consciousness-raising groups. However, it was obvious early on that the movement was not a unified one, with differences emerging between black feminism, lesbian feminism, liberal feminism, and social feminism. Second Wave Feminism in Britain was similarly multiple in focus, although it was based more strongly in working-class socialism, as demonstrated by the strike of women workers at the Ford car plant for equal pay in 1968. The slogan ‘the personal is political’ sums up the way in which Second Wave Feminism did not just strive to extend the range of social opportunities open to women, but also, through intervention within the spheres of reproduction, sexuality and cultural representation, to change their domestic and private lives. Second Wave Feminism did not just make an impact upon western societies, but has also continued to inspire the struggle for women’s rights across the world.
The Third Wave of Feminism occurs when Rebecca Walker, daughter of author Alice Walker and godchild of activist Gloria Steinem, published an article in Ms. entitled “I Am The Third Wave,” it drew a surprising response. Young women from all over the country wrote letters informing the magazine of the activist work they were quietly engaged in and encouraging older feminists and leaders of the women’s movement not to write them off.
The front page of the Third Wave Foundation web site explains that the organization strives to combat inequalities that face as a result of their age, gender, race, sexual orientation, economic status or level of education. By empowering young women, Third Wave is building a lasting foundation for social activism around the country.
Lastly, feminism doesn’t want to patriarchy because all human creates equal. If a men has a right to vote women also can have rights to vote with no doubt. Patriarchy decribes the structuring the society on the basis of family, in which fathers have the accountability for the wellfare of families. Feminism supports their rights in terms of equality, making decision. In Turkey, women do not come first in every place because our society is patriarchal. On the other hand, our women can work everywhere and they have the rights to express themselves. Some women and men can oppose the feminism because feminism exploits some rights such as abortion. Therefore, some people don’t support it.
[1] http://www.umt.edu/wcenter/default_files/Page862.htm
Human Trafficking
The reason was to choose human trafficking issue that it has gained importance not only in domestic issue but also it concerns international areas in terms of human rights violations and damages to human security. It means that, many poor and vulnerable people were forced to use as goods in low wage industry or illegal commerce but it is contrary to spirit of human rights basis. As known that, using human beings as only an income is very dishonorable for every people. Since, we are all free to a basic set of human rights despite of color, religion, age, social status, gender as stated in Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the article 2[1]. Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, or any other status. We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination. These rights are all interrelated, interdependent and indivisible.[2] That’s why; it is worthwhile to mention about the disruption of using human beings as seen a good and its relation with human rights violation individual security.
I am going to cover definition of the trafficking problem, its background, ways of victim recognition, and Turkish struggle with human trafficking in order to solve this and what should be done in order to eradicate this problem. Human trafficking is one of the gravest and most common human rights abuses today, it was a serious crime against humanity and it is highly interrelated with human rights corruption in international area, mistreatment of human such as exploited as workers in sex industry is a profitable way of make money for human traffickers, it cannot terminate unilaterally or it can not be prevented by each state because it impacts every continent and county in the world, it means that no matter how good national measures a state have, it is inevitable to get rid of this trafficking but it can be reduced with the assistance of governments, NGO’s, media, social workers, volunteers, there is a need for social change in every states.- Definition of Human Trafficking
With the globalization, the understanding of slavery cannot eradicate, but it has transformed and has branched out such as human trafficking, human smuggling. Therefore, human trafficking is seen as modern-day slavery. Human trafficking includes every mistreatment to human beings such as deprivation of freedom of move, access to health care and even right to live. Human trafficking is a worldwide phenomenon that refers to the illegal trade of human beings through abduction, the use or threat of force, deception, fraud or sale for the purposes of sexual exploitation or forced labor[3]. I think the statistic data would help to draw images in our mind about how it becomes a big deal throughout the world. Each year according to United Nations, 700,000-900,000[4] people fall victim to trafficking across international borders, they are bought, sold, transported and held against their will. It is sadly to say most of the victims are women and children.
Human traffickers see the victims as a property and these crime organizations would abduct child or woman by giving sweet promises to their families. For example, in a village, a girl who lives in poor conditions can meet some people under hidden and fake identity; these people would give promises to the girl in order to arrange her marriage and live in better life conditions in other country. She would be happy to leave the situation of poverty. However, the conditions become worse, the dreams can not came true. Traffickers prohibit speaking to her parents. She is taken to a house and stayed with other brides (victims) and a lot of small children. Every day, she was forced to steal money and beg. They are deceived in the same way. These examples can be expanded: her parents sell a young girl to work in the big cities like Thailand but she is forced into prostitution in Tokyo or a woman in Russia is promised to good job in France as a child care but it ends up in Germany as a brothel worker[5].
Human trafficking damages a personal security. Human life is the uppermost, the supreme worth and human security is important as well. Unfortunately, in our modern-day world human life is increasingly at risk. According to Ulrich Beck, he defines contemporary world as a risk-society.[6] Apparently, human security has become a very actual, important problem and it is at risk in terms of human trafficking.
It is known that, welfare or happiness cannot pursue with the human rights violation or violence. Human rights promotion and human security should be the ultimate goal of a state in order to develop and reach other states that had already achieved human rights standards like Scandinavian countries. That’s why, human trafficking cannot assist a states’ progress, and in contrast, it causes big troubles within states and human trafficking easily spread to other states, this problem will be unable to solve and it will become mixed up if the governments turn blind eyes to human trafficking issue.
- The Background and Triggering factors of Human Trafficking
A. Capitalism and Globalization
Capitalism can promote human trafficking because it is a kind of trade to gain profits more. To compare with slavery, we know that slavery gave rise to capitalism. Capitalism today involves an extraordinary commodity of human beings. Kathleen Berry states that in the last 30 years, the rapidly growing human trafficking has been massively “industrialized” worldwide.[7] It means that, human traffickers force people to become slaves in many industries such as agriculture, mining, caring system, forced prostitution. They are tricked into commercial sex or sold to domestic servitude, agriculture, construction, big restaurants, manufacturing. This process of industrialization, in both its legal and its illegal forms, generates profits amounting to billions of dollars[8]. It has created a market of human trafficking in which many women and children have been converted into commodities.Moreover, high rates of population growth, the radical changing social and economic conditions oblige many people from rural areas to go urban centers but they don’t have any guarantee in terms of permanent job or security. They do not realize what kind problems they can encounter in other countries. They could apply an illegal agency in order to find a job but generally human traffickers deceive them by giving promises.
Capitalism shows different ways to states by using many resources in order to compete other powers. Capitalism has not allowed many poor nations to develop self-sufficient economies. Also, it does not allow for normal distribution of wealth, it prevents global justice as well. Instead, poor states have expected something from capitalist powers. Therefore, people in poorer nations have become puppets in the global capitalist machines.
Global criminal enterprises flourish global human trafficking. According to the International Organization for Migration, networks of traffickers are increasingly exploiting women subjecting them to a modern form of a slavery in a dynamic that is linked to the globalization process and transformation of local economies[9]. It is quite rational, because globalization is a stretching of social, political, economic activities[10]. A human trafficking illegal organization can easily spread to another country, the communication and inquiry service among traffickers became very easy with the help of globalization.
Globalization trends and radical changes of local economies have forced people to abandon traditional jobs and give a chance to meet the changing demands of a new and flourishing labor sector. Countries that are undergoing with economic struggles, it leads to rise in unemployment. The rise of economic disparities causes that the society adapts new opportunities such as job seekers by employers operating outside the law[11]. It is one of the results of rapid economic, technological and social changes worldwide. Such rapid changes have created people’s vulnerability and, at the same time, expanded the opportunities for predators to exploit that vulnerability.
B. Domestic Violence and Gender Discrimination
Domestic violence can increase the vulnerability to trafficking. Domestic violence consists of violation of human rights and it triggers the women to escape from home and to search place that make them would be free and happy. Because, domestic violence would eradicate an individual’s self-esteem, confidence and security, it urges to escape from any danger, risk in domestic life.
The reason is that low economic conditions can lead to discriminatory and insulting treatment. A major percentage of trafficking victims experienced domestic violence earlier in life. Unfortunately, several countries have restricted legal security for women in cases of domestic and sexual violence or harassment.[12] Even in countries with laws against various forms of violence against women, including sex trafficking, the laws are often poorly enforced, with violators receiving minimal sentencing. So, it causes human trafficking in an undesirable rise.
Gender discrimination is a global reality. Women’s social security conditions were less than men even if they are more educated than men. Where girls are less valued than boys, families make less investment in the girls’ futures. Girls can be considered a financial burden to the family if they are not providing an additional income. Also, their families can sell them to rich men for marriage or another purposes. Limitations on girls’ access to education and information also increase their vulnerability.[13] Extreme poverty produces the supply of victims, the demand for commercial sex and cheap labor create illegal sectors for victims. That’s why most victims are comprises of women and children. Gender discrimination would lead to more women trafficking than man trafficking. By failure to protect and promote women’s rights society create situations in which trafficking flourishes.
To brief, people are vulnerable to human trafficking for a number of reasons such as poverty, unemployment, lack of education and professional opportunities, family problems, domestic violence, desire for a better life, gender discrimination. Women have more tendencies to believe human traffickers because they are not happy with their position, role in life. They have dreams such as getting a good job, having better life standards than before.
- Way of recognition victims
Moreover, people can see everyday victims in the street but we used to ignore or look them with an evil eye. Undoubtedly, there is no single way to recognize a victim of trafficking. They are escorted or guarded by traffickers[16]. Traffickers would cover a story about being students or tourists for each victim and victims oblige to tell lies. Also, language difficulty is another problem. Victims are in struggle to contact another person in order to inform their difficult position. The solution of human trafficking is not easy but realizing someone who is in struggle and insecure, people would inform the assistance service as soon as possible.
- UN’s Role on Prevention of Human Trafficking
UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime), as guardian of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC) and the Protocols thereto, assists States in their efforts to implement Trafficking in Persons Protocol. The main international instrument was the fight against transnational organized crime. The Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children, was adopted by General Assembly. It entered into force on 25 December 2003[17]. It is the first global legally binding implement with an agreed definition on trafficking in persons. The intention behind this definition is to facilitate union in national approaches with regard to the establishment of domestic criminal offences that would support efficient international cooperation in investigating and prosecuting trafficking in person cases.[18] Shortly, the aim is to protect and assist the victims of trafficking in persons with full respect for their human rights.
UNODC offers useful help to countries, not only helping to plan laws and create broad national anti-trafficking strategies. Also, assisting with resources to implement them. States receive assistance including the development of local capacity and expertise, as well as practical tools to encourage cross-border cooperation in investigations and prosecutions.[19]
The adoption in 2000 by the United Nations General Assembly of the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking In Persons, Especially Women and Children marked a significant milestone in international efforts to stop the trade in people. More than 110 States have signed and ratified the Protocol.[20] But, converting it into reality remains problematical. Very few criminals are found guilty and most victims are probably never identified or assisted. Therefore, UN tries to assist every country that exposes to trade in human but it would not eradicate immediately, all states have to fight with human trafficking.
- Turkey
According to Armenian NGOs and the Government of Armenia, the trafficking of Armenian women to Turkey for the purpose of sexual exploitation continued to be a problem in 2008.[23] Turkey constitutes a
link between East and West. Most victims are from Romania, Russia Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova and Morocco. They want to come Turkey to earn money in order to support their families but after their arrivals they are tricked into by traffickers as giving promise wealth and promise, traffickers take their passports away and they are forced to work in the sex industry. Not only in sex industry, labor and child caring cases are also common.
Turkey ratifies the UN Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime and its Additional Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking Persons, Especially Women and Children; Turkey banned human trafficking since 2002[24]. Within the last year the government amended its criminal code to prohibit trafficking in persons. Forced labor is also illegal under the country’s constitution. Also, Turkish Penal Code sets out the definition of human trafficking and the imprisonment for a term of 8 to 12 years[25]. While there have been no official anti-trafficking education campaigns Turkey’s response to this problem has been quite effective since 2002. However, combating human trafficking cannot be considered as a program that can be executed or implemented by one sector. It is a program that involves various sectors and agencies from the public, NGO and private sector at the national level.
In Turkey, Human Resource Development Foundation (HRDF) is an important nonprofit, nongovernmental and independent organization based in Istanbul working on population and development fields with an emphasis in reproductive health as well as the empowerment of the human resource[26].
HRDF maintains relationship with the media to increase the awareness of the society on human trafficking issues and the situation in Turkey through interviews with the major media organizations.
The campaign also helps highlight the issue of human trafficking by featuring short films on Turkish, Russian and Moldavian TV channels. The short clips would promote the use of a toll free nationwide “157 Telephone Help line” established to help identify and rescue growing number of victims of human trafficking[27].
The success of the help line has already made its proof as more than 160 victims were rescued through calls received by the end of 2008.[28]
Protection of victims are quite important because their future is not in their hands, they take refugee in government. That’s why any government should provide physical, psychological, social assistance. Turkish The Ministry of Health provides free medical treatment to the victims and supply residence permits for the victims’ rehabilitation.
- My thoughts as a Conclusion
Human security and protection of human rights contemporarily has ignored by several states. They are concerned with internal and political issues. However, a state’s development would understand from how a state cares their each citizen. It means that if a country is well developed its status of caring its citizens will be higher than developing countries. Therefore, a state’s welfare is quite important. Human trafficking damages the human security. I think that, it is impossible to give equal right to every human in modern life but it is possible to provide equal security for each person. However, states’ policy should give priority to human security. Since, the main contributors to human trafficking are governmental corruption, economic and social crisis within each nation’s borders. Human trafficking is an open sore and it seems to increase. With the globalization, the gap between global justice and living conditions become bigger. Third world countries condemn searching better opportunities to just survive. They would come to developed states in order to make money but human traffickers trap them. Human traffickers sell innocent people to illegal, baleful services. I think it is a transnational crime; we cannot blame one state for human trafficking. Yes, it is exactly a modern slavery trade. Human traffickers treat naive people as means. It is contrary to human rights soul.
Trafficking in human beings is an extremely critical offence against the human being. Not only the process of establishing control over the liberty, freedom of movement and earning capacity of vulnerable people, but the ways in which such power is established then maintained, together result in serious violations of the physical and mental integrity of the victims.
Lastly, media should increase the awareness of society. The media can clarify the human trafficking problem by writing an article. It would be a powerful tool to social change. It not only educates public but also helps to see, understands this serious issue. It can help to identify traffickers and protect victims. I think it is also morally correct to search details of trafficker and hide the victims from public in order not to look them with an evil eye.- .A. Gallagher, ‘‘ Trafficking , Smuggling and Human Rights: Tricks and Teaties’’. Forced Migration Review, Volum. 12 (2002) p.8.
- Againist Trafficking in Human Beings in Southeastern Europe and Eastern Europe, ‘‘Human Resource Development Foundation’’ < http://www.ariadnet.net/partner.php?Id=26& >Access Date: 16.12.2009
- Asia Watch, Women’s Rights Project and ed. Dorothy Thomas, A modern Form of Slavery: Trafficking of Women and Girls into Brothels in Thailand, (New York: Human Rights Watch, 1994) p 10.
- Beck Ulrich, Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity (London: Sage, 1992) p.56.
- Chris Morris ‘‘Turkey Becomes Way Station for Human Trafficking’’ Christian Science Monitor; Volum.93 No:130 p 8.
- Dorchen Leidholdt, Claire M. Roche eds., Position Paper for the Coalition Against Trafficking in Women (Rhode Island: CATW, 2001) p. 2.
- F. Luckhoo, Trafficking in the World Today: A Briefing, (London: CHANGE, 2003 ) p.16.
- International Organization for Migration, ‘‘Counter Trafficking 157 Help Line’’ <http://www.countertrafficking.org/faq.html >, Access Date:15.11.2009.
- K. Kempadoo and J. Doezema, Global Sex Workers. (New York : Routledge, 1998) p. 25.
- Kathleen Barry, The Prostitution of Sexuality (New York: New York University Press, 1995) p 114-116.
- National Multicultural Institute, ‘‘What Human Trafficking& Slavery may look like?’’ <http://www.nmci.org/news/news_items/trafficking.html >, Access date: 12.12.2009.
- Sheila Jeffreys, ‘’Globalizing Sexual Exploitation: Sex Tourism and the Traffic in Women’’. Leisure Studies Volum.18 No.3 (1999) p. 179-186.
- U.S.Department of State, ‘‘Trafficking in Persons Report June 2009’’ <http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/123357.pdf >, p. 286 Access Date: 10.11.2009.
- United Nations Refugee Agency, ‘‘Combating Human Trafficking: Overview of UNCHR Anti-trafficking Activities in Europe’’< http://www.unhcr.org/refworld/pdfid/43fd782d4.pdf>, p.137 Access Date: 15.12.2009.
- United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, ‘‘What are Human Rights’’, < http://www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/Pages/WhatareHumanRights.aspx> Access date: 12.12.2009.
- United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, ‘‘UNODC on Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling’’,<http://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/human-trafficking/what-is-human-trafficking.html?ref=menuside>
- United Nations, ‘‘Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons’’ <http://www2.ohchr.org/english/law/protocoltraffic.htm> Access date: 16.11.2009.
- United Nations, ‘‘The Universal Declaration of Human Rights’’, <http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/> Access date: 25.11.2009.
[1] United Nations, ‘‘The Universal Declaration of Human Rights’’, <http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/>, Access date: 25.11.2009.
[2] United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, ‘‘What are Human Rights’’, < http://www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/Pages/WhatareHumanRights.aspx>, Access date: 12.12.2009
[3]United Nations, ‘‘Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons’’, http://www2.ohchr.org/english/law/protocoltraffic.htm, Access date: 16.11.2009
[4] National Multicultural Institute, ‘‘What Human Trafficking& Slavery may look like?’’<http://www.nmci.org/news/news_items/trafficking.html >,Access date: 12.12.2009
[5]F. Luckhoo, Trafficking in the World Today: A Briefing, (London: CHANGE, 2003 ) p.16.
[6] Beck Ulrich, Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity (London: Sage, 1992) p.56.
[7] Kathleen Barry, The Prostitution of Sexuality (New York: New York University Press, 1995) p 114-116.
[8] Dorchen Leidholdt, Claire M. Roche eds., Position Paper for the Coalition Against Trafficking in Women (Rhode Island: CATW, 2001) p. 2.
[9] K. Kempadoo and J. Doezema, Global Sex Workers. (New York : Routledge, 1998) p. 25.
[10] Kempadoo 23.
[11] Kempadoo 24.
[12] Asia Watch, Women’s Rights Project and eds., Dorothy Thomas, A modern Form of Slavery: Trafficking of Women and Girls into Brothels in Thailand, (New York: Human Rights Watch, 1994) p 10.
[13] Asia Watch, p 12.
[14]Sheila Jeffreys, ‘’Globalizing Sexual Exploitation: Sex Tourism and the Traffic in Women’’. Leisure Studies Volum.18 No.3 (1999) p. 179-186.
[15] Jeffreys 180.
[16] A. Gallagher, ‘‘ Trafficking , Smuggling and Human Rights: Tricks and Teaties’’. Forced Migration Review, Volum. 12 (2002) p.8.
[17] United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, ‘‘UNODC on Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling’’,<http://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/human-trafficking/what-is-human-trafficking.html?ref=menuside>, Access date 12.12.2009.
[18] United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, ‘‘UNODC on Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling’’,<http://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/human-trafficking/what-is-human-trafficking.html?ref=menuside>, Access date 12.12.2009.
[19] United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, ‘‘UNODC on Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling’’,<http://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/human-trafficking/what-is-human-trafficking.html?ref=menuside>, Access date 12.12.2009.
[20] A. Gallagher, ‘‘ Trafficking , Smuggling and Human Rights: Tricks and Teaties’’. Forced Migration Review, Volum. 12 (2002) p.6.
[21]Chris Morris ‘‘Turkey Becomes Way Station for Human Trafficking’’ Christian Science Monitor; Volum.93 No:130 p 8.
[22]Chris Morris ‘‘Turkey Becomes Way Station for Human Trafficking’’ Christian Science Monitor; Volum.93 No:130 p7.
[23] U.S.Department of State, ‘‘Trafficking in Persons Report June 2009’’
<http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/123357.pdf >, p.286 Access Date: 10.11.2009.
[24] United Nations Refugee Agency, ‘‘Combating Human Trafficking: Overview of UNCHR Anti-trafficking Activities in Europe’’ < http://www.unhcr.org/refworld/pdfid/43fd782d4.pdf>, p.137 Access Date: 15.12.2009
[25] United Nations Refugee Agency, Combating Human Trafficking p.137
[26] Againist Trafficking in Human Beings in Southeastern Europe and Eastern Europe, ‘‘Human Resource Development Foundation’’, < http://www.ariadnet.net/partner.php?Id=26& >, Access Date: 16.12.2009
[27] International Organization for Migration, ‘‘Counter Trafficking 157 Help Line’’, <http://www.countertrafficking.org/faq.html >, Access Date:15.11.2009
[28] International Organization for Migration
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